Deep Blue was approached by a London media company about the availability of the boat to help film on location.

Tuesday 17th was the day chosen, which was flat calm, sunny and warm. I took the show’s presenter, and the four filming support crew to the location in question and spend several hours there to get all the shots and clips needed.
It was an amazing insight into TV production, and they even did a BTS section with yours truly explaining how technology has helped in navigation and safety at sea.
As a massive coincidence, the drone operator hired for the day was a young man called Alex Anderson. I have been speaking to Alex for years on various social media forums relating to all things drones. He is the owner of Maritime Filming UK based in Southampton. Alex’s company has grown rapidly over the last few years, ultimately making him the go-to company for any and all filming on the water, home or abroad.

No date was given when the Channel 5 show would be aired, but I imagine it would be sometime in the winter.
I’ll keep you posted on the date when I know more.