Today was a day of exceeding expectations ✅
Given the forecast (fishable but choppy start and finish predicted), the current water clarity and the fact that my whole boat group hire wanted to predominately lure fish today, I had a bit of a job on my hands to find the fish. All hiring my Penn rods and reels, and using our Sidewinder lures.
After heading straight out wide to some of the easterly wrecks, I quickly decided (3 wrecks prospected) that we were probably better off heading back inshore a little and working the reefs and rock marks…..
I love it when a plan comes together.

First drift was a reccy. Second drift started and we were soon into a schoolie bass, a little pollack and a codling at the same time. The UK’s holy trinity of fish all on deck in tandem, but all being returned to grow into more worthy foes.

Next drift, a bit of a better bend in the rod, some head shakes, and a bit of line being taken back. A nice pollack of 5lb popped up out of the dark water.

Third drift, a couple of nice codling made an appearance. One slightly bigger than the other, ranging between 4 - 6 lbs.

Last drift, there’s always one more drift, another big bend in the rod. My angler said it felt quite heavy. I watched as a couple of head shakes rattled the tip of the rod, then nothing, just a dead weight. It looked heavy. When the fish made the surface I knew if was the biggest codling of the season. It actually looked like it may even be a double figure COD!!

Sadly, it was JUST under the magic mark making it still only a mere codling, but what a lovely codling it was. It was measured at 74cm’s - you can use this conversion calculator to see what a fish like this would weigh

This Codling is Deep Blue Charters biggest this year.
Slack water arrived, and the fishing stopped dead. We anchored for the start of the ebb in a mark that produces bream-a-plenty, conger and the odd surprise.
Bream started biting immediately, and a little smooth hound joined in the fun taking a tiny piece of squid on a size 2 Cox & Rawle specimen x hook.

Everyone caught, and everyone took some beautiful fish home for dinner.

Well done to James for playing it cool and landing the biggest fish of the day, and a big well done to David who organised the trip. All of his clients and friends tolerated a bit of a choppy morning to be rewarded with some very nice fish indeed.
Please see my availability calendar here -